Switch to Eco-friendly wallpaper adhesive

Switch to Eco-friendly wallpaper adhesive, Here’s Why!


Home decorating is the opportunity to reveal ourselves to the world and state what kind of people we are and what kind of world we would like to live in, and nowadays it is important to choose green products. Another consideration to use for sustainable interior design that is usually overlooked is the adhesive used in wallpapers.

The normal types of adhesives used can be toxic, featuring a rich content of VOCs, which are a threat to IAQ as well as the environment. Fortunately, there are better and greener choices when it comes to wallpaper adhesives that are eco-friendly. Here are some reasons why these adhesives will be a game-changer in your home and for the planet.

Why Eco-Friendly Wallpaper Adhesive?

It’s another way of trying to limit you and your family’s exposure to certain chemicals by opting for an environmentally friendly wallpaper adhesive.

Organic solvent-based adhesives may include formaldehyde, synthetic polymers, and many other components whose evaporation can lead to the emission of VOCs in the environment causing respiratory diseases, allergies, and headaches. Whereas the wallpaper adhesive is formulated in a manner that is environmentally-friendly, most paper adhesives are made from natural or toxin components hence do not pose any harm to the environment.

Advantages of Green Wallpaper Glue

1. Better Indoor Air Quality

Biodegradable wallpaper paste emits less VOCs into your home than other products, making it a healthier choice for your home. This enhancement in the quality of air is of most importance to families with children, the elderly or those with respiratory related illnesses. Replacing the wallpaper adhesive with an environmentally friendly one is among the easiest methods that have a positive result of improving the indoor environment.

2. Eco-friendly Decision

Biodegradable wallpaper paste is not only safer to use in your home; it is also eco-friendly. These adhesives typically originate from bio-degradable or environmentally friendly resources, which degrade at a slower rate. If you use ecological wallpaper adhesive you will benefit from a longer and more environmentally friendly life of the adhesive.

3. Easy Application and Strong Adhesion

This product has an easy application procedure on the substrate and requires strong adhesion to the substrate.

Green wallpaper adhesive has come a long way in terms of performance of the products. There are now many environmentally friendly adhesives which can be as tough and effective as these conventional ones, despite having less chemical benefits. Now, these adhesives are easy to apply and offer a strong bond to keep the wallpaper on the wall without affecting it due to environmental factors.

How to choose the right adhesive

When choosing an environmentally friendly wallpaper adhesive, look for words like GreenGuard or EcoLogo to show low VOC content. Reading the list of ingredients in the adhesive can also help to understand the environmental effect of the adhesive. Choose water soluble and environmentally friendly products like those which contain starch or cellulose because they are eco-friendly and suitable for indoor application. When using the adhesive to paste a wallpaper, you are assured of an eco-friendly wallpaper adhesive.

Steps towards a Greener Home

The use of the environmentally friendly wall paper adhesive also personifies a green lifestyle in home improvement projects. The awareness of environmental problems increases, so buying goods beneficial for health and the planet is becoming more accessible. When you choose to use eco-friendly wallpaper adhesive, it provides you an opportunity to improve on the environment.

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