Cleaning service

Cleaning service price


Who hasn’t dreamed of opening their front door to discover a sparkling clean apartment? A cleaning service can work wonders and bring some peace and order to the hustle and bustle of life. Immaculate windows, clean and lustrous floors, dust-free shelves… Here’s what to expect, and more, according to the service provider hired. The price of a residential cleaning service varies according to the scope of the task and the addition of specialized services. In this guide, you will find useful information on cleaning services and their prices.

Price of a cleaning service: what to expect from the service provider?

Do not hesitate to obtain quotes from various cleaning services . The average quote is between €80 and €130. Prices are set according to the size of your home and the services you want. The frequency of service is also a price factor: weekly visits are billed less than monthly or fortnightly visits. Supplements may apply for windows, fireplaces, ovens, refrigerators, high shelves or ceilings.

If your home is located outside of the service area, you may incur additional travel costs. Ask all your questions to providers and find out how they set their prices.

Average price of a cleaning service

A cleaning agent can perform several tasks for you. To get an honest price, ask for quotes from several companies. Depending on the season of the year or other factors, some offer packages or discounts. To give you a scale, here are some prices commonly charged by service providers:

Depending on whether you hire an agency or a freelancer on an hourly or per square meter basis, you will get very different prices. First, ask yourself if you prefer to use an agency or a freelancer. Then, how often do you want to have your home cleaned: once a week? Twice a month ? Once a month ? When calculating the average hourly price, consider your weekly or monthly budget, just in case. You can consult the prices and criteria to be taken into account to compare the services of an agency vs. a freelancer.

Here is an estimate of hourly rates:

Note that these prices vary according to the size of the dwelling. If you occupy a studio or an apartment, the price will be rather low. On the other hand, if your home has many bedrooms or several floors, plan a substantial budget, even higher than the estimate above. According to studies, the price of a cleaning service is between 20 and 40 €/h . Keep this estimate in mind when you receive a quote. On the other hand, independent cleaning agents work alone and do not have the possibility of moving to several homes in the same day, their prices will therefore be higher.

Price of a cleaning service: how are the prices set?

If you hire a cleaning service , the rate will be charged either by the hour worked or by the square meter. If you have one room cleaned, it is more advantageous for the service provider to be paid by the hour. For the complete cleaning of a home, on the other hand, the price per square meter is more relevant. Other factors may impact pricing:

Frequency of cleanings

You can negotiate with different residential cleaning providers to get a reasonable price. Remember, however, not to focus on the price, because the important thing is the quality of the service. If a company offers you a quote based on a duration that seems excessive to you and you reduce the number of hours, you may be disappointed with the result.

Price of a cleaning service: how to save on your cleaning budget


If you want to save on your housekeeping expenses, consider the following tips:Choose a cleaning company that provides all the services you need for an affordable price. Do not opt ​​for the cheapest service or the most expensive. Check online consumer reviews to get an idea of ​​the quality of service. You have every chance of finding a service provider who meets your criteria.If you hire a cleaning agent on a weekly basis, you can take on some of the work yourself to reduce the time billed. This may include a quick vacuum, dusting of furniture, or taking out the trash. The more small tasks you do yourself, the lower your monthly or weekly bill will be.

Of course, you have the option of hiring a cleaning service for all types of tasks, but nothing prevents you from selecting these. Designate the agent one room to clean and take care of another, for example. Leave the busiest rooms to the professionals. Thus, you will save while enjoying a largely cleaned house.Always remember to provide maintenance workers with the necessary equipment and products. There’s no need to pay extra for supplies when you can buy them yourself. In addition, this allows you to have the necessary equipment at hand if you need to quickly clean a room.

Agency or independent?

Depending on whether you use a private company or a self-employed worker, the prices may vary: in question, certain management costs, the nature of the insurance contracted or the availability of the workforce. In any case, it is important to ask a lot of questions to know exactly what will be included in the quote. Independent cleaning agents can offer you optional services: laundry, ironing and folding of laundry, meal preparation, childcare, etc.

However, in the event of absence due to illness or holidays, it can be difficult to find a replacement for them. It can also raise legal issues, and if you’ve hired a company without seeing a license or professional affiliation, take the following precautions:

Contact the local professional association and/or request employer registration.

The cleaning services offered by agencies have advantages, but also some disadvantages. They have a whole team of workers at their disposal, and are therefore able to find replacements easily. They can be faster and more efficient, sometimes sending a team rather than just one person. However, to respect their objective of covering several dwellings each day, they can sometimes provide work that is too superficial or not very personalized.In addition to cleaning the home, a cleaning service can also offer additional services to individuals. Depending on how much work you assign to an agent, you can save in the long run or on a large number of cleaning assignments. Here are some frequently offered services:

Carpet and rug cleaning

Vacuuming is a very useful short-term way to maintain a carpet. However, thorough cleaning is essential to its longevity. But what sometimes seems like a cheap cleaning operation can lead to problems. It is advisable to have the rugs and carpets cleaned every year or every 18 months, depending on their guarantees and the frequency of visits. Two options are possible: steam cleaning or dry cleaning, the first being the most often used. When requesting a quote for carpet or rug cleaning from professionals, remember to ask the following questions:

How long have you been in business?

What are your qualifications/certifications?
Do I have to move the furniture before your arrival?
Before the arrival of the cleaning agents , delimit and report the problem areas (eg: animal stains, coffee stains, etc.) with adhesive tape. Secure fragile items in case officers decide

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